Building guidelines

The BUILDING GUIDELINES document has been designed to highlight the more important issues relating to the planning and building process on the estate. It is presented in a simple, illustrated form which should be easy to read and understand by contractors and their staff and is a very basic summary of the more detailed documents, the Architectural Design Manual and the Green Contract, which, of course, are the documents that apply. It is intended as a quick-reference for those who are involved in the hands-on day-to-day building operations to ensure that they conform to the rules of the estate that relate to building protocol, deliveries, sub-contractors and the like.

Unfortunately some contractors continue to disregard the rules and the board has reluctantly had to implement a system of fines for transgressions, which impact directly on the owner, so it would pay to take time to read this bulletin and make one’s Architect and Contractor aware of it’s contents as well, so that unnecessary conflict in the future can be avoided. The rules of establishment have been developed for the protection of home owners’ and builders’ collective interests, so full co-operation is essential.

Owners planning to build are urged not to accept unrealistic time-scales from their builders, as these invariably result in frustration and disappointment; however it must be kept in mind that the maximum building period is 12 months, from start to finish. Click hereto view and/or download the BUILDING GUIDELINES document.