Project architect

The function of the Project Architect (PA) is to ensure that all houses on the estate conform to the criteria detailed in the Architectural Design Manual. It is therefore essential that anyone intending to build at Westford Bridge who chooses to use the services of an architect other than the PA should ensure that their chosen architect makes contact with the PA prior to starting any work so as to eliminate any possibility of misunderstanding or incorrect interpretation of the Architectural Design Manual. No plans will be considered by the HOA without the written approval of the PA.

There is a standard procedure to follow with regard to the submission of both concept sketches and final working drawings, as well as certain mandatory visits that must be made by the PA once construction has begun to verify conformity to the approved plans. (Please see “BUILDING GUIDELINES” & “CHECKLIST” for details)

The WBHOA will invoice the owner for a “plan scrutiny fee” at the rate prevailing at the time, which fee needs to be paid at time of submission of the drawings to the HOA for approval. Currently the scrutiny fee is R5,000 (excl VAT).

Contact details:
Nico Vreken
Tel: 044 382 0420
Mobile: 082 927 6070